Star Walker Ranch
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VISIONS of complete oneness with Nature
My Earthly Mission is to Remind you of your oneness with Mother Earth, her Plant offerings, and of course, the Animal Kingdom. Here at Star Walker Ranch, we live with the purpose of remembering that wholeness with the Earth. All that we do with the horses and plants of this Ranch is intentionally to reconnect with that lost Vision for ALL OF HUMANITY NOW!
Our Ranch has 16 chickens, many of which came from Star tribes and Divine Grand Father tree descent. We also have two cats Baba and Moonji and four incredible Horses. With each Inspiring interaction we have I film it and offer it as a Medicine of Remembrance for you either Via our Instagram @starwalkerranch or our YouTube channel @starwalkerranch
Some of us are already aware that external global, societal, and familial programs take us further from the truth and power that rests inside each and every one of us and the Spiritual Journey to Enlightenment often looks like the unlearning of these external programs. If you lose your connection to Mother Earth, you are very easy to control, sway, and lose your purpose.
Once you Remember your connection to Mother Earth, you are no longer easy to control. You no longer walk this earth in fear and you no longer forget your Souls Mission. Some say, that remembering your Earthly connection and the connection to the animal kingdoms can heal all delusions of the Human Mind. The Earth will never be a vibration of Delusion, therefore reconnecting with her, and becoming one in your Awareness with her once again awakens you to your greatest inner power and truth.
May our videos and offerings inspire this Remembrance inside of you.
I love you.