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Chico Needs our help

October of 2023, Chico started to have a white discharge out of his left nostril.  This led to antibiotic treatments, which did not help, which led to his first surgery.  A cyst was found in one of his sinus cavities but due to the complexity of the sinus in horses, unfortunately, this surgery didn't address all of the issues.


Chico now needs another sinus surgery and due to the cost of the first surgery, I am currently all tapped out.  I would be so honored if you could help me help this Beautiful horse get the treatment he needs.


He may not be your typical riding horse, but he still deserves a place in this world like every other horse!  I did get Chico health insurance after all of this occurred to cover all future costs if anything else were to happen, yet his insurance does not cover the sinus since this was a prior issue.


If you could help us raise the money we would be most appreciative!


Thank you!

Help us raise Funds for Chico

Our very special boy Chico has had multiple sinus issues.  Chico is not just like any other horse, he is a VERY special horse.  He is so sensitive that he spends his days sharing love with anyone he meets.


We started a Go Fund me

This special angel needs help!


Project Name

I will be booking his surgery for the week of May 6th, if you can help us help Chico in any way we would be over the moon grateful!

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