Cats have been known for their keen ability to connect, clear, and heal from other world realms. The cats here at the Ranch are seen as intuitive guides, medicine healers, and finders of all things awesome. Enjoy the videos we make with these furry loved ones for a bit of a brighter day and to always remind you, that you are one with the Earth and all her kin!
healing stories
A great way to interact with cats is to be patient and watch with all three of your eyes. Cats have the ability to see the unseen realms and help protect us, help us heal, and inspire us to stay focused. I often ask my cats to help with my visions, help heal me when I am sick, and guide me to better ways of living. Every time I ask things of them, they always deliver. These are sacred tools we get to love on and use for our highest development and the more we respect and love them, the more gifts they give us!